
It makes no sense that purple paint costs the same as white paint.

Annette Kramer, age 9

As a kid I could never wrap my brain around this. What a lost revenue opportunity for the purveyors of purple paint.

I come to the arts very honestly: my father and grandfather were sculptors, my mother draws beautifully, and my aunt is a talented wood carver. I started in performing arts: music, theater, opera (I have both BA and MA in vocal music/performance) — and supporting myself as a musician was my first career. But after kids arrived, my side gigs took me into graphic design, then marketing, then management, and eventually I found my way to executive leadership in the corporate world. That’s very far away from my roots as a creative, and included a whole truckload of stress, anxiety, and baggage I wasn’t loving.

Along my path I had started making jewelry. (Someone once said “art supplies are cheaper than therapy.” Not true, but I’ll wager in some cases they can be just as effective.) I’m deeply curious and always seek an opportunity for creative expression, from gardening to cooking to architecture just to name a few of my passions. What an epiphany it was for me to discover the medium of polymer clay.

Polymer clay is a chameleon material, and since I started working with it over 10 years ago I’m only more intrigued. I am endlessly fascinated with the versatility of this medium and continue to experiment with sculpting, carving, molding, forming it, and all manner of surface techniques. I am inspired by the tension that exists between the human compulsion for geometry and order, and the effortless movement of the natural world. My artistic style looks to bring these qualities together harmoniously — a meeting of modern, structural design paired with fluidity, organic movement, and copious attention to detail.

Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see how this current creative fixation will no doubt evolve as I learn new things. Thanks for stopping by!

* FYI: this was NOT my bedroom at age 9; but oh how I wish it was!